Social Entrepreneurship - The Alicia Polak Way

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Case Details:
Case Code : LDEN045
Case Length : 10 Pages
Period : 2004-06
Pub Date : 2007
Teaching Note :Not Available Organization : Khayelitsha Cookie Company
Industry : Food Products
Countries : South Africa
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Please note:
This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Background Note
Polak grew up in Philadelphia. She joined Merrill Lynch and Company6.
According to her, "Working for Merrill Lynch in Manhattan was incredibly
exciting. It was hard work, but it gave me a buzz and earnings beyond my
expectations. The cash all went on travel and clothes."7
Two major incidents made a deep impact on her and changed her outlook toward
life. As an investment banker with Merrill Lynch, Polak traveled extensively
across the world and on one such trip to India, she witnessed acute poverty.
Speaking about her experiences later, she said, "I remember once being wined and
dined on a trip to India; I was staying in this luxury hotel, while on the
streets outside there was total poverty."8
The second incident was the terrorist attacks in the US on September 11, 20019.
In this connection, she said, "I was only a few blocks away from the World
Trade Center at that time and I thought, 'If I'd died today, the only legacy
I'd have left is a cupboard full of things."10
At that time, she decided to change the course of her life and work for
international aid organizations.
Polak went back to college to take up the MBA program at the Stern School of
Business in New York University. As a part of the requirement of the
program, she did her internship in South Africa at the University of Cape
Town. The extreme levels of poverty that she saw in India were also evident
in Cape Town, where she saw thousands of people living in tin shacks. They
did not have basic facilities like water supply and sewerage. Most of the
people there did not have jobs that could help them afford better living
conditions. Polak began working for a non-governmental organization (NGO) in
Africa, which was distributing wind up radios11
in several countries in the continent. |
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